Misskey NodeJS (NVM with PM2) update steps
Misskey NodeJS (NVM with PM2) update steps
Misskey is under heavy development and event minor update need higher version of NodeJS. In this article, I want to share my experience how to perform an update to Misskey instances which run using PM2 and NVM
Rescue broken asciinema-server upgrade (PostgreSQL 12 => 14)
Rescue broken asciinema-server upgrade (PostgreSQL 12 => 14)
How to rescue broken asciinema-server upgrade that caused by incompatible files in the volume of the old PostgreSQL 12 container with the latest upstream version
How to install Misskey in Ubuntu 22.04 (Manual without Docker)
How to install Misskey in Ubuntu 22.04 (Manual without Docker)
Step-by-step installing Misskey, an open-source social media platform that has been making waves in the world of fediverse enthusiasts
Automatic backup CyberPanel websites to S3 Storage without CyberPanel Cloud
Automatic backup CyberPanel websites to S3 Storage without CyberPanel Cloud
Bash script to automatic backup CyberPanel websites to S3-compatible Storage without connectiong your CyberPanel instance to CyberPanel Cloud
Automate CyberPanel Git push without it's default Git Manager feature
Automate CyberPanel Git push without it's default Git Manager feature
Alternative way to commit CyberPanel websites changes to GitHub without Git Manager with a little bit better security practice by using GitHub Deploy keys.
Install Mastodon without Docker (Ubuntu 20.04)
Run Windows 11 (TPM and Secure Boot) on KVM
How to Install self-hosted Commento and Use Nginx as Reverse Proxy
How to Install self-hosted Commento and Use Nginx as Reverse Proxy
Guide to install Commento and it's required dependencies like PostgreSQL, setting up required Commento configuration and it's SystemD and use Nginx as reverse proxy to serve Commento instance using HTTPS.
Virt-Manager: sharing data between host and guests (libvirt virtio-fs)