Indonesia Public Monero Node
Indonesia Public Monero Node
I host a Monero node that is free to use for everyone as a remote RPC for wallet usage located on Indonesia Data Center 3D in Jakarta, Indonesia.
LibreNMS Distributed Poller on Low-end Server Resources
LibreNMS Distributed Poller on Low-end Server Resources
A personal snippets to run distributed LibreNMS poller on low-end server resources to monitor hundreds of devices and sensors.
Why Inactive Email Accounts is Dangerous
Why Inactive Email Accounts is Dangerous
Malicious users can retrieve deleted email and try to make password reset to every popular sites and original owner will lost their website / app account.
Discourse Rake Posts Snippets from BBCode to Markdown
Discourse Rake Posts Snippets from BBCode to Markdown
After migrated devilzc0de from MyBB to Discourse, many things needs to be done. One of them is to rake and rebake the BBCode tags posts to Markdown.
Set Up IKEv2 VPN Server and Clients
Set Up IKEv2 VPN Server and Clients
IKEv2 contains improvements such as Standard Mobility support. This is my personal snippet to set up IKEv2 VPN server & clients for multiple servers.
Configure IPsec/XAuth VPN Clients
Configure IPsec/XAuth VPN Clients
Following these steps allow you to configure your Android, iOS, MacOS, and Linux machine using IPsec/XAuth (Cisco IPsec) VPN.
Configure IPsec/L2TP VPN Clients
Configure IPsec/L2TP VPN Clients
This is the next part after you successfully set up your own IPsec VPN server. Following these steps allow you to configure your Android, iOS, MacOS, and Linux machine using IPsec/L2TP VPN.
IPsec (L2TP, XAuth, IKEv2) VPN Server Auto Setup
IPsec (L2TP, XAuth, IKEv2) VPN Server Auto Setup
A few years ago, I've found this gem which allow us to set up our own IPsec VPN server with L2TP, XAuth and IKEv2 on Ubuntu, Debian, RHEL, and CentOS.
Trying Gmail Confidential Mode for G Suite Users
Trying Gmail Confidential Mode for G Suite Users
Gmail Confidential mode allow G Suite users sending emails with expiration date, restrict to forward, copy, print, or download email content or attachments.
Story Behind The All New devilzc0de: Migration Process
Story Behind The All New devilzc0de: Migration Process
The struggle migrating from 1 platform to another platform with different database backend and program languages.
ZombieLoad: Serious Intel Processors Security Flaw
ZombieLoad: Serious Intel Processors Security Flaw
ZombieLoad is security flaw in Intel processors that allows malicious hacker to steal any data that’s been recently accessed by the processor.
MacOS Is Not The Same Family Tree With Linux, It Never Been
MacOS Is Not The Same Family Tree With Linux, It Never Been
MacOS isn't associated with Linux in any way. What we call macOS nowadays is operating system developed by NeXT.Inc called NeXTstep and it based from BSD