
Ghost multi-blog backup bash script to Minio (S3 Compatible)
Ghost multi-blog backup bash script to Minio (S3 Compatible)
Simple bash script to automatic backup multiple Ghost blog on the same server to remote AWS S3 compatible server.
Install self-hosted community-driven Firefox Send (timvisee/send) NodeJS version + Minio as storage backend
Install self-hosted community-driven Firefox Send (timvisee/send) NodeJS version + Minio as storage backend
How to install self-hosted NodeJS timvisee/send (formerly Firefox Send) on Ubuntu and use Minio as it's storage backend.
Automate CyberPanel Git push without it's default Git Manager feature
Automate CyberPanel Git push without it's default Git Manager feature
Alternative way to commit CyberPanel websites changes to GitHub without Git Manager with a little bit better security practice by using GitHub Deploy keys.
Install Mastodon without Docker (Ubuntu 20.04)
Install Mastodon without Docker (Ubuntu 20.04)
Snippet for running Mastodon instance (Twitter alternative) on Ubuntu 20.04 from source.
How to Install self-hosted Commento and Use Nginx as Reverse Proxy
How to Install self-hosted Commento and Use Nginx as Reverse Proxy
Guide to install Commento and it's required dependencies like PostgreSQL, setting up required Commento configuration and it's SystemD and use Nginx as reverse proxy to serve Commento instance using HTTPS.
Monitoring Tor through Tor ControlPort with Telegraf and Grafana
Monitoring Tor through Tor ControlPort with Telegraf and Grafana
I found a python script written by bentasker that takes data from Tor ControlPort and converts it to InfluxDB format.
DNS Sinkhole, AdGuard Home or PiHole?
DNS Sinkhole, AdGuard Home or PiHole?
Comparing PiHole and AdGuard Home as DNS Sinkhole. Both offer excellent way to block sites, ads, and trackers. But, which one shoud you choose?
Homelab: Mikrotik + DoH + Proxmox VE + AdGuard Home = Surf the Web Freely, Ad-Free and Safely
Homelab: Mikrotik + DoH + Proxmox VE + AdGuard Home = Surf the Web Freely, Ad-Free and Safely
The goals is to surf the web freely without any censorship, Ad-Free browsing, keep on track of your child activity on the internet.
How to Host a STORJ Node
How to Host a STORJ Node
Step by step guide to run STORJ Node, an open-source cloud storage platform, S3-compatible platform and suite of decentralized applications.